Application for a Licence to Undertake Cadastral Surveys

For an overseas qualified cadastral surveyor (other than Australia) For the period 1 July 2021 – 30 June 2022 applying for their initial Licence

In terms of Part 3 of the Cadastral Survey Act 2002 and Subpart 1 of the Standards for Licensing Cadastral Surveyors 2021

Please Enclose:

4. Licence fee of $220.00 ($191.30 plus 28.70 GST).

(Note: The Board will reduce this fee to $115.00 incl GST if it issues the licence after 1 January, for the balance of the year to 30 June).

An invoice will be sent following receipt of application.
Please include your name and invoice number.

Please answer the following questions for the Board’s reporting and statistical purposes

CSLB Form 4
Address: PO Box 1208 Wellington 6140