Board Jurisdiction
The powers the board has in relation to complaints
The Board can receive and investigate complaints of professional misconduct involving a Licensed Cadastral Surveyor in relation to the conduct of cadastral surveys. Schedule 2 of the Cadastral Survey Act 2002 sets out the types of professional misconduct under the Board’s jurisdiction.
The types of misconduct are mostly related to the conduct and accuracy of a legal survey
carried out by a licensed cadastral surveyor. About Surveyors
What the Board does not deal with
The Board is unable to become involved in matters of professionalism, ethics and contract, including fees disputes or time delays, involving Licensed Cadastral Surveyors. Complaints regarding these matters may be directed to the
professional body that represents surveyors – Survey and Spatial New Zealand. Membership of this body is voluntary.
The Board has no jurisdiction over matters
relating to surveyors who are not Licensed Cadastral Surveyors.
The Board does not become involved in, or resolve, property boundary disputes. See also under Offences below.
Making a Complaint
If you wish to make a complaint about a Licensed Cadastral Surveyor The Board can receive and investigate complaints alleging that a Licensed Cadastral Surveyor has been guilty of professional misconduct or is not entitled to be
a Licensed Cadastral Surveyor.
Please complete and submit the following form to ensure your complaint has the required information: Complaint Form
Board will then decide whether or not to receive the complaint and then commence an investigation. After investigation of the complaint the Board will decide whether to accept or decline the complaint.
If the Board accepts
a complaint, a hearing may be held and a decision will be made on whether or not the Licensed Cadastral Surveyor is guilty of professional misconduct.
This website has a ‘Search for Surveyor’
function, simply type in the person’s name to see if they are currently a Licensed Cadastral Surveyor. For any further enquiries regarding current or former licensing status contact the Board Secretary at
For Surveyors - receiving a complaint
As a licensed surveyor, what do I need to know if a complaint is made against me?
If the Board decides that a purported complaint alleges that a licensed surveyor has been guilty of professional misconduct (as defined in the Cadastral Survey Act) a copy of the complaint is sent to the surveyor for an opportunity
to make a response. The Board may then investigate the complaint to decide whether to accept or decline it. If a complaint is accepted the surveyor is notified of the grounds for the complaint and a date for a hearing. The
notice may also require the surveyor to advise the Board of their intention to appear before the Board at the hearing. In a hearing the Board must observe the rules of natural justice and may receive evidence even though it
would not be admissible in a court of law.
Offences by the public
There are a number of offences listed under Part 6 of the Cadastral Survey Act 2002. These include obstruction of a cadastral
surveyor, interference with survey marks, false survey marks and unlicensed persons acting as licensed cadastral surveyors. Enquiries about these matters can be directed to Land Information New Zealand (LINZ). See -
LINZ - Offences Relating to Cadastral Surveys, or the Board Secretary for
further advice.